Friday, 15 July 2011

First case of Japan-glish

So here we go! A brand new blog just for you curious people who want to know what I get up to when I go to Japan. I hope it looks all right. I've had a fair bit of fun playing with the design and deciding on my 'self-fulfilling prophecy' of a title!

I went onto and searched for this blog (out of curiosity) to see what it would look like to a Japanese person and to see what google had translated my text into. Most amused when I saw that they had translated 'Dear Dopey' to 'Dear Sleepy'. Wrong dwarf!

Anyway, this post is really just a tester, to make sure it works. I shall be posting proper stuff about my horrendous packing process in the next couple of weeks. But for now, here's a dwarf:

See ya!